Humboldt and Table Rock United Methodist Churches are sister churches in neighboring communities. They share a pastor and a vision of making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
We are called to be in joyful ministry with Jesus Christ, in mission to the world, and in fellowship with one another. As individuals we are seeking to live this in our lives with awareness and understanding. As a church, we are seeking new ways to give concrete shape to this ministry, to witness to the presence of Christ among us.
Both congregations have a long histories and rich traditions. But they are welcoming and warm. Both churches offer children’s Sunday School and adult Sunday School as well as other small group Bible studies.
Youth is a priority at both churches. Humboldt reaches out to the area youth by feeding them free lunch during the summer months. Table Rock works hard in conjunction with the elementary school at the annual “Living History Day.” Both churches support the backpack programs and church camp programs in their area. Both churches support a joint youth group for grades seven through twelve with a Wednesday night supper and hour of fellowship and Bible study.
Humboldt boasts a great choir and also hosts an area choir for an Easter cantata. Both churches sing a blend of traditional and contemporary songs.
Services at Table Rock are 9:00 a.m. worship followed by light snacks and coffee. Sunday School is at 10:15 a.m.
At Humboldt, Sunday School is first at 9:30 a.m. Sunday worship is at 10:45 a.m.
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Pastor Lori is always available for a chat. Call her at 785-229-6811 or email at